Esoteric Philosopher: Study of the Endless Path of Wisdom

A Golden Lotus Sutra

The Alice Leighton Cleather Basil Crump 1929 attack on Theosophy
Teaching planned by Hierarchy
No further messenger until 1975
Mother of the World
Dear Friends of Humanity and of the Ageless Wisdom
The original Sanskrit root of the Satanic races
Pre Adamic Satanic Races
The Golden Wheel Head Centre
Shigatse and Tda-shi-Hlumpo Monastery
The Forbidden City
Red Caps and Sect Worship
Five India's
The Lotus Sleep
Entrenched with Debt
Cosmic Etheric Vision and Septenary Clairvoyance
HPB: The Hierarchial Link
The Ocean of Reasoning: Tsong Khapa
The Essence of True Eloquence: Tsong khapa
A Golden Lotus Sutra
Three buddhic vestures, three human vehicles.
The Source Measure 43
Third sub plane of the Fifth manasic plane
Initiations and Atomic Matter
Telepathic/Etheric Transmission
Divine Light of the Cosmic Atom
Book of Imperfections
Magnetic power of Master
Formula of Creative Combinations
Golden Rays of the Sun
Radiation of the Master
Etheric plane vibrational frequencies
Cosmic Physical plane vibrational frequencies
Formula of Karmic Mass: Km = mdlc²
Differentiated Molecules
Light and Matter United
The 49/I/6 VIOLET/White/Red
Hiawatha: Line of the Red Ray
Zionist Movement: The seperating door
A stand against Soviet Communism
"the central triangle at the heart"
The Race for the Atom Bomb
The Zionist Question Today
Age Of Aquarius @ 1945
Failure to register adequate dynamic incentives
First Ray Magnetic Corruption
Sevenfold Intent to Destroy
Higher and Lower Ray expressions as used by the White and Black Lodges
The Black Master
The Horoscope, Invalid Upon Liberation
Fenian Dynamiters The Clan na Gael
The Fourth Fundamental of the Ageless Wisdom
The Dark Star, Carbonic Gas and the Global Atmosphere
The Jurassic Period and the Lords of the Flame
Manifestation, Withdrawal And Externalization Of Hierarchy
Significance of the year 1945
The Divine Avatars Maitreya Christ, Maitreya Buddha.
A "culture of respect."
Age Of Aquarius & The Years 1900, 1945, and 2035.
Ida, Pingala, and the Central Sushumna.
Fervid Gold And Gold Fever
Colonel H. S. Olcott And Abraham Lincoln
Colonel H. S. Olcott
The Red Rajputs And The Moryan Dynasty
Ozone And Climatic Conditions On Earth
Clouds the Atmosphere and Meteoric Dust
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
"Four Requirements" Refinement of the physical body is an Essential
The Freedom Of The Seven Solar Systems
Shining Face and Alkaid: A minor constellation. One of the Seven.
The Leading Great Rishi and Pleiad, Alkaid And Alcylone
The Law of Solar Union and The Cycle Of Sunship
Seven Rishis, Seven Timekeepers
The 'Sacred Triangle of all-inclusive Force'
Mars: Karttikeya. Agnibhu "fire born."
August Neptune: Arisen over the Horizon
Earth Base, reproduction of third un-named scheme.
Thomas Alva Edison
J.W. Keely, un-conscious Occultist. A "natural-born magician."
Keely, Edison and Tesla.
J.W. Keely and the Vril
Sedna and Xena
The Christ in the KH Letters
Earth Kundilini Base Scheme, Eventual Heart Triangle
Eire : Ireland
Tara And The Druids
Sisera and the Battle Of Megiddo
Root - Sub Races
Rays And Jewels
The Dark Ones
Cycles of Pralaya and the Rise to Sunship in future Kalpas
The Divine Circulatory Flow of the Cosmic Mother/Love
Obsession And Behavioural Problems
Vaisyas and Sudras shall tread the highest path
The School for Warriors
The School of Beneficent Magicians
The Schools of Aspiration and Painful Endeavor
Earth Mercury Anguish Aspiration
"mass intellectual wrong emphasis"
Magnetism, Radiation, Attraction and Repulsion
Austerity And Sternness
The Way of Resistance To Evil
Light or Darkness?
The Five Kumaras Of Manasic Energy
Four Kumaras: The Holy Four
The Ancient Of Days And William Blake
Plato: The Great Thinker
The Blood
Criminality: A Psychic Disease
Labor: a battle with chaos
H.P.B. And The Battle Of Mentana
Fohat, Para-Fohat, Pan-Fohat!
Treason And The Traitor
Jesus/Joshua, Appollonius, Origen.
Bruce Lee: The Worrier Within. The Art of the Soul.
Opinion, from Latin opnr, to think.
Mars: Her Descher. The Red One.
Mt. Everest
The Year 1952
The Year 1936
Poles Of Light And Darkness
Zero Ray
Diamonds Are Forever
Respiration, Prana, Breath, Ozone:
"racial purity"
Intoxicants and Narcotics
The Chohan Hilarion: The Annunciator!
Henry Lewis Stimson
Cosmic Dust
Egypt, Chemi, Kham.
The United States: Banner Of Light Against Totalitarianism
John Law: Corrupt Scottish Financier
New Orleans: Seven Brothers of the Blood
Black Holes@Zero Points, Laya Centers and Gravitation
The Vitrified Forts of Scotland
7x7=49 degrees of the Negative pole and of the Positive pole.
Teachings on the Third Reich
Tamas and Teros
Arhat, Adept, Chohan.
Hatha Yoga
Port Said (bûr sacîd)
Sir Edward Bulwer Lytton. Lord Lytton.
A Christian reflection On the New Age
T. Subba Rao
Hitlers Indian Army
Winston Churchill
Otto von Bismarck and the Realm of the Holy Roman Empire
William Q. Judge
Lord Ripon Governor-General Viceroy of India and Grand Master Mason
Venus, Light Bearer To Earth:
Great Britain/Prydian and Llyn-llion/Lyonness
Gaza Mustafa Kemal Atatürk
Benjamin Disraeli 'Beaconsfield' 1st Earl of
Telepathic Discourse and the Amanuensis
Napolean The Great
The Pancreas
The Spleen, Organ Of Solar Prana
Kashmere: Brahman Mahatma Of the Lunar Race.
The Roman Empire

The Nirmanakaya Body of a great Buddha would be like unto a sun in brightness to the psychic sense of the observer… the Nirmanakaya Robe, the spiritual body, he was to assume at His ascension. TT3. Hilarion.

Here on the second plane, the sea of electrical fire, which distinguished the first plane, is transformed into the akasha, or burning etheric matter. It is the plane of the flaming Sun. TCF 312.

JC: Dear Brothers, I found this article by David Reigle interesting because it indirectly refers to the path of earth service and relinquishing the higher buddhic monadic vesture. According to an online translated book by Tsong Khapa, Amitabha means "boundless Age" of the universal soul as well as "immeasurable light" and "all encompassing radiating light" or "sun and lotus disc" bright as a "million beams of pure light" which I translate as the Dharmakaya monadic vesture or seventh principle. Tsong Khapa teaches only enlightenment and intelligent and wise traverse across the ocean or "deep pit" of samsara will lead to this vesture and the mind or light of wisdom of Sophia, "brighter than ten thousand suns" and therefore born of the seven sons of light. At The seventh initiation the initiate becomes a concentrated point of living light and a Buddha.

It has been said in further articles, that Tsong Khapa refutes the first and third fundamental propositions of the Secret Doctrine*. This is incorrect. We may take the indication of this “boundless immutable principle and absolute reality as the abstract and un manifest one ray of the first fundamental of the secret doctrine being manifest in the three logi rays which become the seven. We are able to do this due to the un precedented instruction of AAB/DK and the teachings on the three fundamentals, the seven rays and also seven Dhyani-Buddhas and the Boundless Âdi-Buddhi primeval and Universal Soul of the occult doctrine.

Tsong-Kha-pa. This great Tibetan Reformer of the fourteenth century, said to be a direct incarnation of Amita Buddha...

"Amitâbha" (in Chinese, "Wu-lian-sheu") means literally "Boundless Age," a synonym of "En" or "Ain-Suph," the "Ancient of Days," and is an epithet that connects Him directly with the Boundless Âdi-Buddhi (primeval and Universal Soul) of the Hindus, as well as with the Anima Mundi of all the ancient nations of Europe and the Boundless and Infinite of the Kabalists. SD3 408.

To deny The “Boundless Immutable Principle; one Absolute Reality” implies the denial of the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd ray logi. Without the first logos, there can be no manifested universe or seven ray logi and indeed immediately denies the very existence of all energy and matter in the Kosmos. Interestingly Tsong Khapa does mention that from bad deeds will come the long unbearable pain of existence in the "lower three realms" or planes. Whilst from good comes the entering of "higher realms and the echelons of enlightenment".

It is my proposition that Tsong Khapa in reality does not deny these fundamental propositions, for he acknowledges the Dharmakaya vesture as being 'all encompassing immeasurable radiating light' referred to as the "truth body" in union with the "sphere of reality" Dharmabdatu or "emptiness" which in scientific terms would be absolute vacuum, no-thing, void of all lower conscious modifications.

That everything is subject to change, evolution and progression does not imply that there does not exist the, “Boundless Immutable Principle; one Absolute Reality” running like a life ray and preceding all manifested forms. To be “empty of inherent existence” implies there is no “absolute reality” which refutes the first fundamental of the secret doctrine of HPB/DK. This is the truth reality of occult doctrine and the force of truth was known to Tsong Khapa just as he acknowledges the "great Rishis" being "possessed of the force of truth" known to us as the seven ray lords. Indeed, he speaks of his wish to be lotus born. It is his clear indication to be within the realms of "Mount Meru" or Shamballa to practice his adoration, prostrate and bowed head in utter adoration before the Masters and the Lord. This wish is clearly described and understood here.

Whether Tsong Khapa taught this or whether it was recorded or blinded to lead to the veiling of reality is of no real concern here as Tsong Khapa obviously describes Sarasvati or Sophia the goddess of learning and esoteric wisdom as being unto a rainbow of many and varied colours among other beautiful descriptions as having a voice and wisdom to wash away all faults, "Sophia is also Aditi with her seven sons hpb" the "great rishis" described by Tsong Khapa with their "lotus feet and crowns of jewels" and thus the above is in accordance with the Secret Doctrine of HPB and modern day ray philosophy. His own description of the dark forces refers to their "wrathful destruction" and gives an insight into the mind set of the great Lords and Buddha's. Referral made to 'The Splendor of an Autumn Moon' By Tson-Kha-Pa.

"Absorbed in the practice of enlightenment, may I perform by mere wish, in accord with my prayers, infinitely powerful deeds pleasing to the Buddhas. When shaping my mind with study, contemplation, and meditation, I meet obstruction upon enlightenments path, may I destroy utterly with wrathful action the power of all dark forces."

"I bow before the conquering Buddhas, Bodhisattvas and Arhats of all directions and at all times." The Splendor of an Autumn Moon' By Tson-Kha-Pa.

It is said of the Dharmakâya-the formless Being-that once it is taken, the Buddha in it abandons the world of sensuous perceptions for ever, and has not, nor can he have, any more connection with it. SD3 379.

"The three Buddhic bodies or forms are styled: Nirmanakaya, Sambhogakaya, Dharmakaya. TCF 1194.

JC: Buddha gave up Dharmakaya vesture = Adi-Buddhi. Adiattve – 1st Cosmic Etheric Plane. The first plane of our solar system. The Law of Vibration, the atomic law of the solar system. 1st plane and atomic sub planes. Renounced on Path of Earth Service. Buddha chose the path of earth service against his karma.

Among the few glimpses obtained by Europeans of Tibet and its mystical hierarchy of "perfect lamas," there is one which was correctly understood and described. "The incarnations of the Bodhisatwa Padma Pani or Avalokiteswara and of Tsong Khapa, that of Amitabha, relinquish at their death the attainment of Buddhahood—i.e. the summum bonum of bliss, and of individual personal felicity—that they might be born again and again for the benefit of mankind."(Rhys Davids)

In other words, that they might be again and again subjected to misery, imprisonment in flesh and all the sorrows of life, provided that by such a self sacrifice repeated throughout long and dreary centuries they might become the means of securing salvation and bliss in the hereafter for a handful of men chosen among but one of the many races of mankind. And it is we, the humble disciples of these perfect lamas, who are expected to allow the T. S. to drop its noblest title, that of the Brotherhood of Humanity to become a simple school of psychology? No, no, good brothers, you have been labouring under the mistake too long already.53 "View of the Chohan on the T.S.," in Combined Chronology for Use with The Mahatma Letters to A. P. Sinnett, Margaret Conger, Pasadena: Theosophical University Press, 1973, pp. 46-47. On the Future Schools of Meditation pdf. David Reigle. 2006.

There is one on Prince Gautama and another on His reincarnation in Tsong-Kha-pa. This great Tibetan Reformer of the fourteenth century, said to be a direct incarnation of Amita Buddha. SD3 409.

Tsong-Kha-Pa and Amita Buddha:

(a) "Amida" is the Senzar form of "Ãdi" ; "Ãdi-Buddhi" and "Ãdi-Buddha, " ["Buddhi" is a Sanskrit term for "discrimination" or intellect (the sixth principle), and "Buddha" is "wise," "wisdom," and also the planet Mercury.] as already shown, existed ages ago as a Sanskrit term for "Primeval Soul" and "Wisdom" ; and (b) the name was applied to Gautama Shâkyamuni, the last Buddha in India, from the seventh century, when Buddhism was introduced into Tibet. "Amitâbha" (in Chinese, "Wu-lian-sheu") means literally "Boundless Age," a (Page 408) synonym of "En" or "Ain-Suph," the "Ancient of Days," and is an epithet that connects Him directly with the Boundless Âdi-Buddhi (primeval and Universal Soul) of the Hindus, as well as with the Anima Mundi of all the ancient nations of Europe and the Boundless and Infinite of the Kabalists. SD3 407.

Amita-buddha (Sanskrit) Chinese and Tibetan Buddhist name for universal, primeval wisdom or soul, equivalent to adi-buddha. Also the celestial name of Gautama Buddha. Tsong-kha-pa is considered a direct incarnation of Amita-buddha (BCW 14:425-8; SD 1:108&n).

A Golden Lotus Sutra.

Three buddhic vestures, three human vehicles: Seven vestures of consciousness.

The three bodies of a human being and the vestures or vehicles of the Lord Buddha. The whole story of Sublimation, of Purification, and of Transfiguration is hidden in this relationship. The correspondences remain, however, to be pointed out. It is a task that has not yet been done. DINA2 627.

Three monadic "vestures," worn by the one Monad. TCF 1193.

"The three Buddhic bodies or forms are styled: Nirmanakaya, Sambhogakaya, Dharmakaya. TCF 1194.

Buddha gave up Dharmakaya vesture = Adi-Buddhi. Adiattve – 1st Cosmic Etheric Plane. The first plane of our solar system. The Law of Vibration, the atomic law of the solar system. 1st plane and atomic sub planes. Renounced on Path of Earth Service. Buddha chose the path of earth service against his karma. The group which functions midway between the Earth and Venus have all taken the eighth and ninth initiations.

1st plane Adi atomic sub plane vibrations = approximate vibrational value of 872,706,300,027,593,043,120,592,303,100,688,223,486,743,900,000,000 per second.

Nirmanakaya vesture = Anu-Buddhi. Anupadaka. Monadic - 2nd Cosmic Etheric plane. THE HIERARCHY heart centre. 2nd ray Love-Wisdom. The second plane God the Son Love-Wisdom. The plane of the flaming Sun. Nirmanakayas or Distributors of Force. Nirmanakayas are impressed by the LOVE of God. Nirmanakayas renounce Nirvana (the highest state of spiritual bliss). Nirmanakayas have taken the sixth and the seventh initiations

2nd plane Monadic Atomic sub plane vibrations = approximate vibrational value of 182,461,207,678,241,912,736,752,486,395,100,663,100,000,000 per second.

Sambhogakaya vesture = Atma-buddhi. The "great and complete knowledge" Spiritual. Atmic - 3rd Cosmic Etheric plane. Akashatattva. Akâsha. Swabhavat. The Nirmanakaya "sleeps" to all [lower] states save that of the third, or atmic plane.

3rd plane Atmic Atomic sub plane vibrations = approximate vibrational value of 38,148,105,847,694,583,163,042,136,880,900,000,000 per second.


Buddhic vesture = Buddhic-vehicle. Intuitional body. Buddhic - 4th Cosmic Etheric plane. Vayutattva. PLANE OF UNION OR AT-ONE-MENT. Luminiferous Ether. Fourth Solar Plane. Plane of union, for that which is man and for that which will be superman. The Law of Magnetic Control, greater magnetism of the love aspect.

4th sub plane Buddhic Atomic sub plane vibrations = approximate vibrational value of 7,976,644,307,687,250,986,336,100,000,000 per second.


Human manasic vesture = Mental-vehicle. Mental-Cosmic gaseous sub plane: 5th plane. Agnitatattva. Tejas. The Law of Fixation. Swar- pertains to the heat or Fire-Element. The plane of the soul.

5th sub plane Manasic Atomic sub plane vibrations = approximate vibrational value of 1,667,718,169,966,656,900,000,000 per second.

Human astral vesture = Astral-Vehicle. Astral-Cosmic Liquid sub plane: 2nd. Apastatva. THE HIERARCHY Heart centre. 2nd ray Love-Wisdom. The second plane - the astral plane. This is the reflection of the second highest plane. The Law of Love.

6th sub plane Astral atomic sub plane vibrations = approximate vibrational value of 348,678,440,100,000,000 per second.

Human etheric vesture = Etheric-Vehicle. The reflection of the third highest plane, the Atmic. Prithivatattva. 7th plane. The gradations of violet through which man is able to utilize etheric matter, as he now utilizes physical plane matter. The Golden bowl.

7th plane 1st Ether Atomic sub plane vibrations = approximate vibrational value of 72,900,000,000 per second.

note: All frequencies based on my calculations per HPB/JW Keely in Secret Doctrine. 30/12/07. JPC.

Amita (Buddha)

Amitabha's body is the color of gold,
The splendor of his hallmarks has no peer.
The light of his brow shines round a hundred worlds,
Wide as the sea are his eyes pure and clear.
Shining in his brilliance by transformation
Are countless Bodhisattvas and infinite Buddhas.
His forty-eight vows will be our liberation,
In nine lotus-stages we reach the farthest shore.
Homage to the Buddha of the Western Pure Land,
Kind and Compassionate Amitabha.
(RH 137-138; UW 28) www.



* "Tsongkhapa specifically and pointedly denied the first and third of what were brought out in 1888 by H. P. Blavatsky as the three fundamental propositions of the Secret Doctrine."

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